I’m speaking it into existence:
This has been a long time coming and I'm SO excited to launch it this year while simultaneously working on building my upcoming course! I want to share what I've learned, build a community of small business owners goin' through the sh*t, too, and hopefully inspire someone else trying to start their dream.
Another reason I'm starting this podcast is to talk to fellow business owners and share their stories, like when I got to chat with Michelle Sheerin last month on her business podcast, Dirty Chai! It was SO much fun “talking shop”, ADHD, and that we should all be making room for everyone.
Loved our chat, loved learning more about how art guided us into marketing, and how we all find our unique ways onto the paths we’re stumbling down. Thank you again for having me 💖.
PS: Also - my audio is slightly ahead of hers so it sounds like my ADHD brain was constantly cutting her off but for anyone reading this — I wasn’t! 😂😂😂
Click below to check it out!
Community is the building block of what we do 💕
P.S. Not a designer, but still want all your stuff to look cool? ⤵️