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👋 "Unfollow" is the new "follow"

Writer: Alycia YervesAlycia Yerves

Updated: Jun 7, 2021

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Let's talk about joy
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What you surround yourself with is what you ARE.

You don’t need negativity in your life or in your newsfeed!!!

So, let's do a little spring cleaning.

Each of us is in our own social media bubble (i.e. "echo chamber") that has been carefully crafted and curated by each of us for as long as we’ve each been on social media. And everyone experiences the feeling of scrolling thru one’s feed and feeling those pangs of negative feelings in reaction to someone or something you see — whether it’s a business, a celebrity, or even a family member!!!

As entrepreneurs and small business owners, it is HARD WORK and we need every ounce of love and light we can possibly get. We don’t need to sabotage our days with each impression of someone or something that makes us mad, jealous, annoyed, regretful, bitter, or anything else.

Think about Marie Kondo and the KonMari method. When you land on a problematic social media account, ask yourself: DOES THIS SPARK JOY?

If it does not, then you know your answer.

So I’m challenging you today to do a little tidying up as we head into a brand new season… I challenge you to unfollow or unlike at least one social media account today that does NOT spark joy for you. As you’re reading this, you probably already have a handful of people or pages in mind that you won’t miss!!!

Maybe it’s an old high school acquaintance, or a political figure, or a competitor, or an influencer, or a neighbor, or a news organization… whatever it is… ZAP IT!

Yeah, I know, I know… “But, Alycia… it happens to be a family member or co-worker or some other person that I’m nervous to unfriend” — well, Facebook has that wonderful ‘unfollow’ option instead which allows you to still remain friends, but you won’t see that person’s posts anymore. And they won’t notice that you’ve unfollowed them. WHEW!

You could also opt to use Facebook’s ‘snooze’ method, which basically allows you to remain friends w/ someone, but will hide them from your view for a 30-day period if you just need them to shut up for a *little* while.

I also recommend you do this once every couple months (maybe set an alarm in your phone to remind yourself) to keep yourself, and your positivity, in check.


Unfollow at least ONE account today that makes you feel like total crap.

Alycia Yerves bitmoji holding poop emoji

Are ya joining me?

Alycia signature

PS: We love working with (and getting to know) businesses & individuals who are:

creative, kind, open-minded, free-spirited, & have a story to tell.

Sound like you?

Let's gooooooooooooo!

Alycia sitting at home office desk with services offered booking for spring and summer

Alycia home office

Was this content helpful? You can buy me a taco.
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let's hang out  on insta!

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